
I have changed all of the details of the stories contained in this blog to protect the confidentiality of the people with whom I have worked. This blog in no way reflects any of the opinions or positions of my employers, present or past; they are my own.

I hold degrees from Oberlin College in my native Ohio and Harvard Divinity School and am an ordained minister in the Minnesota Conference of the United Church of Christ. A formative experience of my life was living in Israel-Palestine for 18 months as a fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a contract employee of the Lutheran World Federation-Department of World Service. I have extensive experience working in hospice, hospital, parish, mental health, and non-profit advocacy settings, especially providing spiritual care to those who are in crisis situations.

Most significantly, I am the  father of four beautiful children. I  find that the Way of Jesus is best summed up by Flannery O’Connor : “And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth will make you odd.”

1 Response to About

  1. Monica says:

    The Flannery O’Connor quote is great. Thanks.

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